John Caballero
Senior Advisory Leadership

John Caballero technology background spans more than 35 years and started in IBM Mainframe support.

Most recently John served as the Director of Information Technology and Security Florida's Economic Development organization.

Over 12 years he has worked under 6 under Florida Secretaries of Commerce, 2 Governors and has helped to bring in over $100 Billion in direct and indirect economic impact to Florida.

In 2022 John was appointed as the state agency Information Security Manager where he coordinated with Florida CSOC/CSIRT and other Florida Agencies on cyber-security audits, compliance and technical implementations.

His extensive experience in numerous Operational and Cyber Technologies in the aspects of IT and OT has enabled him to advise multiple Fortune 50 companies in security practices.

John’s lead by example style is summarized by 3 words, Listen, Learn, Launch.

He is an expert in the integration of social and cyberpsychology and created inclusive environments where security avoiders become security adopters.

Using his combined skills he designed a custom best-in-class email security filtering system which stopped 99.9% plus of all threats and has assisted multiple security vendor organizations in improving their platforms.

In a previous role John was recognized as being in the top 10 percent of IBM engineers in the Americas and was part a team of the top 20 IBM server engineers sent to DELL HQ to assist them with their new PowerEdge server line built from IBM technology.

John is a member of The CISO Society, The Professional Association of CISOs, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers and serves on a confidential board of advisors guiding technology startups.

Cool things John has done:

Helped produce multiple Star Trek and SciFi films and TV series pilots

Piloted an RF-4C during a low altitude reconnaissance training mission

Was a commercial satellite ground station engineer who worked supporting Space Shuttle operations
