Your Holiday Cyber Checklist for 2023-2024

Top 10 List was Created by Anna Cabrera, Chief Communications Officer

Phishing Scams

Cybercriminals often use phishing scams to steal personal information. You may have heard of this term before but haven’t been sure what “phishing” means. Phishing happens when you receive emails or messages that look like they're from legitimate companies or charities, asking for sensitive information such as passwords or bank details – but they’re not. They’re criminals hoping that you’ll mindlessly respond with your personal details. To stay safe, always verify the sender and never share personal information unless you’re absolutely sure of the recipient's authenticity.

Secure Websites

When shopping online (and so many of us do), ensure the website is secure by checking for "https://" in the URL, as well as a padlock icon in the address bar. These indicate that the site uses encryption to protect your data. Don’t see these security features? Avoid entering any personal or financial information on websites that don’t have these guard rails.

person wearing mask
person wearing mask
tilt-shift photography of HTML codes
tilt-shift photography of HTML codes
Fraudulent Shopping Sites

At a time like the holidays, when gift giving is top of mind, we’re so often tempted to find unique gifts – and might do so on insecure or even fraudulent shopping sites. Pro tip: look for customer reviews (and actually read them – it’s a red flag if the reviews all seem to have been made in the same week, are reviewing microwaves when you’re shopping for a pair of shoes or seem to be written by unverified customers) and check if the site has reliable contact information. Fraudulent sites may offer items at extremely low prices to attract victims. If it’s unlikely that you can buy a designer watch for $14, it’s probably safe to skip the site.

Suspicious Links

Fake links are often used by scam artists to lure victims into providing personal information or downloading malware. Be cautious of links, especially in unsolicited emails or messages, and especially if they promise exclusive deals or require urgent action. Got a tracking number from a company you haven’t recently shopped? Play it safe and don’t assume someone from your household must have ordered something. Don’t click, unless it’s to hit Junk Mail or Spam. 

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assorted-color abstract painting
black asus laptop computer showing 3 00
black asus laptop computer showing 3 00
Free WiFi signage on wooden post
Free WiFi signage on wooden post
white and blue magnetic card
white and blue magnetic card
Public Wi-Fi Risks

Public Wi-Fi networks are almost never secure, making them risky for any web browsing, but particularly for sensitive activities like shopping or banking. Using a secure, private connection or a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for these transactions is always best practice. 

Credit Card Safety

Credit cards often offer better fraud protection compared to debit or Interact cards. If your card information is stolen, credit cards typically have a liability limit for fraudulent charges, and many issuers offer zero liability policies. That’s not necessarily the case for purchases made by debit. 

a computer monitor sitting on top of a wooden desk
a computer monitor sitting on top of a wooden desk
selective focus photography of lens
selective focus photography of lens
Software Updates

It’s a good idea to regularly update your operating system, browser, antivirus programs, and other software. Updates often include security patches that protect against new threats and vulnerabilities.

Privacy Settings

When was the last time you checked the privacy settings on your social media and other online accounts? While it can be tempting to share the amount of personal information you share publicly – where you’re headed for the holiday, for one – remember that the web is vast and anything you put out there can be shared or found. And be extra cautious this time of year about accepting friend requests or following links from unknown sources.

person in black long sleeve shirt using macbook pro
person in black long sleeve shirt using macbook pro
man walking inside mall collage
man walking inside mall collage
Create / Recreate Strong Passwords

Create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. It’s best practice never to use the same password twice, or the same password for more than one account. A strong password typically includes a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, and is at least 12 characters long. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name, your kids’ names, your pets’ names, or an important birthdate.

Beware of "Too Good To Be True" Offers

Extremely low prices or offers that claim you've won a prize you didn't enter or a trip you never signed up for can be signs of a scam, and most likely are. Do your due diligence and research the offer as well as the company before proceeding. Most importantly, never, ever provide personal information or payment to claim a supposed prize.

Cyber Christmas Holiday Checklist: Identify Scams & Secure Online Purchases

Get ready for a safe holiday season with our Cyber Christmas Holiday Checklist. Learn how to identify scams and make secure online purchases to protect yourself. Don't let cyber criminals ruin your celebrations!